In the October 2019 Issue

It’s still the best value sea angling magazine in the UK and the only one dedicated to boat and kayak angling. The September issue of Saltwater Boat Angling is out now. Find out who is the latest winner of the Penn £1000 big fish draw. Packed full of excellent boat angling content including Mother-shipping sharks, catching double figure bass, charter boat reports and much more. This and much more besides including all the regular, kayak, practical boating, charter boat and tackle talk sections. Plus, if you subscribe you qualify for a FREE spool of Spiderwire braid worth £29.99

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Content on the October issue

Analysis:Tuna Fishing Breakthrough, David Mitchell reveals how one lucky angler might be able to legitimately catch a bluefin tuna in British waters

Your Catches: Six pages of fish pictures and details of the new competition sponsored by Penn. And don’t forget if you send us your fish pictures you could win £1000 of Penn tackle.



A Great Plaice to Go Fishing: Phill Williams visits the Faroes and catches some truly massive plaice

Charter Boat reports; The latest from charter boats around the coast.

A League of his own: Des Westmore is delighted to see veteran skipper Vernon Everett back on the water.

Salcombe Small Boat Championships: John Sherlock reports on this popular competitions organized by the Angling Trust Wyvern Marine Region

Whippy Afloat: Jim takes a trip on board Panther,Eastbourne’s largest charter boat.

Channel Tope: John Sherlock goes in search of Bristol Channel tope

Specimen Hunting: Gilthead bream are the target this month

The Penzance Kayak meet: Liam Faisey reports on this annual get together of

Bass legends: Mike Millman traces the history three legendary bass anglers

Boat Review: Latrex 490 Simon Everett reports on the Latvian boad builders latest model

Dinghy Diary: The art of ground-baiting explained by Jeff Smith

Tackle Talk: Various tackle reviews 

Charter Boat Directory

Competitions Diary